The Magic of Sleep DK 2021

The Magic of Sleep: . . . and the Science of Dreams by Vicky Woodgate

We spend about 26 years of our lives sleeping, but how much do you really know about what happens when your head hits the pillow? This book answers all your questions about what goes on in your head when you snooze, including the difference between light and deep sleep, where dreams come from, and how essential sleep is to staying healthy. Discover fascinating facts about how people slept in the past, and how people sleep in different ways around the world. Did you know that the oldest mattress was found in South Africa and is 77,000 years old? Vivid illustrations by Vicky Woodgate bring the topic to life.

As well as humans, learn about the sleeping habits of other animals, from bears hibernating to how bats sleep upside down. Even plants sleep! Finally, learn how you can get a proper night’s sleep with practical tips and ideas for meditation to calm your mind before bedtime. This book is ideal for children who have difficulty getting to sleep, as well as anyone who wants to learn more about how our brains and bodies work.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » The Magic of Sleep DK 2021