100 Tips To Avoid Mistakes In Academic Writing And Presenting

This book contains one hundred typical mistakes relating to papers, proposals, oral presentations, and correspondence with editors (e.g. journal submissions), reviewers (rebuttal letters), and editing agencies. The book is primarily intended for non-native English speaking researchers. However, it is also useful for editing agencies in order to help new or inexperienced editors spot the kinds of mistakes they need to correct in order to ensure their clients successfully have their papers published. Each section of a paper is covered separately: titles and abstracts; introduction and literature review; methods, results and tables; discussion and conclusions. Teachers of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) will learn which areas of writing and grammar to focus on including readability, word order, sentence length, paragraphing, ambiguity and punctuation. The last section in the book highlights the key areas where presenters make the most mistakes in terms of the use of English.

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