oxford read and discover 1-6级 分级启蒙 PDF电子版


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《Oxford Read and Discover 》是一套全新的非小说类分级读物,含有另有着迷的故事内容和抓人眼球精美插图,主要面向6-18岁的读者。

本系列特点是通过跨学科主题,并配有丰富活动,专项练习的和全彩照片来使英语学习变得激动人心,非常适合 CLIL(内容和语言整合学习)。

  • 系列主题涵盖三大学科范畴,包括科技、自然及艺术与社会科学。
  • 吸引人的照片、地图、数据表和图表有助于学生理解内容。
  • 每本读物中的专题练习训练学生的研究及讲解技巧。
  • 内容设计灵活,适合自由阅读或阅读辅导课程。
  • 每篇读物的最后均附有扩展阅读及批判性思考活动,有助培养学生语言能力及批判性思维。
  • 图片字典(3-4级)和术语表(5-6级)为阅读理解提供额外的支持。

Level 1 10册目录:

  1. Art
  2. At the Beach Reader
  3. Eyes Reader
  4. Oxford Read and Discover 1 Fruit
  5. In the Sky
  6. Schools
  7. Trees
  8. Wheels
  9. Wild Cats
  10. Young Animals

Level 2 10册目录:

  1. Camouflage
  2. Cities
  3. Earth Reader
  4. Electricity
  5. Farms
  6. In the Mountains
  7. Jobs
  8. Plastic
  9. Sunny and Rainy
  10. Your Body

Level3 10册目录:

  2. Animals In the Air
  3. Festivals Around the World
  4. Free Time Around the World
  5. How We Make Products
  6. Life In Rainforests
  7. Sound and Music
  8. Super Structures
  9. Wonderful Water
  10. Your Five Senses

Level 4 10册目录:

  1. All About Desert Life
  2. All About Ocean Life
  3. All About Plants
  4. Animals At Night
  5. Animals In Art
  6. How to Stay Healthy
  7. Incredible Earth
  8. Machines Then and Now
  9. Why We Recycle
  10. Wonders of the Past

Level 5 10册目录:

  1. All about Islands
  3. Exploring Our World
  4. Great Migrations
  5. Homes Around the World
  6. Materials to Products
  7. Medicine Then and Now
  8. Our World in Art
  9. Transportation Then and Now
  10. Wild Weather

Level 6 10册目录:

  1. All About Space
  2. Caring For Our Planet
  3. Cells and Microbes
  4. Clothes Then and Now
  5. Earth Then and Now
  6. Food Around the World
  7. Helping Around the World
  8. Incredible Energy
  9. Wonderful Ecosystems
  10. Your Amazing Body


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