Great Cities: The Stories Behind the World’s most Fascinating Places

Explore the social and cultural history of 100 of the world’s most important cities.

This illustrated history book provides a fascinating insight into the events, movements, and people throughout history who have shaped the cities where we live. Written in a “biography” format, it offers a rich historical overview of each featured city, brought to vivid life with beautiful imagery.

Inside the pages of this visual guide, discover:
• The story behind each city — how it was established, critical moments in its development and why it is considered historically significant.
• The different types of cities, from the centers of ancient and lost civilizations and great river cities to planned cities and modern metropolises.
• Beautiful illustrations with large-scale reproductions of paintings, photographs, maps and other artifacts.
• Stunning images of city life and key moments in history are complemented by close-ups of revealing details and feature panels that provide additional context.

From the ancient to the modern, get under the skin of what made cities like Persepolis, Paris, Vienna, Prague, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Dubai tick. This lavish book is about more than history — it explores the art, architecture, commerce and politics of the great civilizations throughout history.

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