Where on Earth Geography As You’ve Never Seen It Before DK 2021

Geography as You’ve Never Seen It Before (Where On Earth?)

Explore our planet through eye-popping maps showing you volcanoes and earthquakes, animals and fossils, climate change, railroads and space rockets, peoples and history.

This unique encyclopedia provides the complete picture of planet Earth as you’ve never seen it before, showcased in stunning photography and state-of-the-art maps. You’ll discover exactly what is happening across the continents in six diverse chapters covering the Earth, the living world, people and planet, engineering and technology, history, and culture. On this endless adventure you’ll climb the tallest buildings, swim the longest rivers, and travel back in time to see ancient wonders in all their glory. You’ll come face to face with the deadliest creatures, dive down to underwater shipwrecks, and take charge of air traffic control.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » Where on Earth Geography As You’ve Never Seen It Before DK 2021