Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students (4th edition)

Most international students need to write essays and reports for exams and coursework, but writing good academic English is one of the most demanding tasks students face. This new, fourth edition of Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students has been completely revised to help students reach this goal.
The four main parts of Academic Writing are:
– The writing process
– Elements of writing
– Vocabulary for writing
– Writing models

Each part is divided into short units which contain examples, explanations and exercises, for use in the classroom or for self-study. The units are clearly organised to allow teachers and students find the help they need with writing tasks, while cross-referencing allows easy access to relevant sections.
In the first part, each stage of the writing process is demonstrated and practised, from selecting suitable sources, reading, note-making and planning through to re-writing and proof-reading.

The fourth edition of this popular course builds on the success of the earlier editions, and has a special focus on the vital topic of academic vocabulary in part three, Vocabulary for Writing. Part three deals with areas such as nouns and adjectives, adverbs and verbs, synonyms, prefixes and prepositions, in an academic context. More key features of the book include:
– All elements of writing are clearly explained, with a full glossary for reference
– Models provided for all types of academic texts: essays, reports, reviews and case-studies
– Full range of practice exercises, with answer key included
– Use of authentic academic texts
– A companion website offers further practice with a range of additional exercises
– Fully updated, with sections on finding electronic sources and evaluating internet material
All international students wanting to maximise their academic potential will find this practical and easy-to-use book an invaluable guide to writing in English for their degree.

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