Learn How to Speak English Quickly and Easily (2019)

English Speaking Course for Beginners Intermediate Learn How to Speak English

This is what a student told me in our first class together. He was very frustrated about his English fluency. I felt bad for him, and I made it my mission to develop an English training program to help people learn English faster and to speak it better. Learning English and Speaking English ARE NOT the same. They occur in different parts of the brain. My student was developing his memory but not his speaking ability.

I started teaching this system to my students and their speaking skills dramatically improved. Their sentences sounded more natural, their pronunciation was clearer, and their confidence was much higher. If you want to speak English fluently, then STOP learning it, and START speaking it.

In this book, you will learn:

How to Speak Fluently and Accurately
How to start your sentences perfectly every time
How to structure your sentences like a native
How to talk about movies, TV series, family, sports, and so much more
Hundreds of Questions and Phrases commonly used by native speakers
1000s of Vocabulary words

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我的小孩的成长分享 » Learn How to Speak English Quickly and Easily (2019)