DK 2020新书 像史努比多一些 Be More Snoopy

这个世界让你沮丧吗? 努力寻找那一线云的一线希望? 向前伸最好的脚,问问自己:“史努比会做什么?” 学习变得更像世界上最著名的小猎犬。 拥抱快乐,拥护您的朋友,带路,并在您任何地方传播快乐走。

Be More Snoopy拥有原始的漫画作品,并附有敏锐的俏皮和明智的建议,是送给朋友,家人和同事的完美礼物,这些朋友,家人和同事需要就如何充分利用各种情况提供指导。

Is the world getting you down? Struggling to find the silver lining to that cloud? Put your best paw forwards and ask yourself, “What would Snoopy do?” Learn to be more like the world’s most famous beagle. Embrace joy, champion your friends, lead the way, and spread happiness wherever you

With original comic-strip artwork accompanied by sharp witticisms and sage advice, Be More Snoopy is the perfect gift for friends, family, and colleagues who need guidance on how to make the best of every situation.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 像史努比多一些 Be More Snoopy