DK 2020新书 花生漫画之书 The Peanuts Book

从后院到外太空,查尔斯·M·舒尔茨(Charles M. Schulz)的《花生》在世界上已有超过70年的历史。
在庆祝舒尔茨和他挚爱的作品中,探索鲜见的素描,有影响力的漫画和收藏家的文物。 窥探史努比,查理·布朗和黑帮不断发展的艺术品。 绘制花生的丰富历史,使其成为世界上最受欢迎的漫画,并从1950年至今,从加利福尼亚州到日本旅行。 本视觉指南的每一页都是值得珍藏的展览。 在这本惊人的周年纪念书中发掘花生的持久和怀旧魅力。

From the backyard to outer space, Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts has been charming the world for more than 70 years.
In this celebration of Schulz and his beloved work, explore rarely seen sketches, influential comic strips, and collectors’ artifacts. Pore over evolving artworks of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and the gang. Chart the rich history of Peanuts as it grew to become the world’s favourite comic, and travel from 1950 to the present day, from California to Japan. Every page of this visual guide is an exhibition to treasure. Discover the enduring and nostalgic charm of Peanuts in this stunning anniversary book.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 花生漫画之书 The Peanuts Book