English the American Way 美语学习指南 含音频

A fun guide to everything American for the English language learner!

Our ESL author experts (Sheila MacKechnie Murtha and Jane Airey O’Connor) give English language learners must-know vocabulary, commonly used phrases, wacky idioms, and sample dialogues that illustrate everyday American life. You’ll have fun along the way as you improve your English language and grammar skills with sentence completions, quizzes, and helpful tips.

Practice speaking English like an American until you’re perfect! Improve your listening and speaking skills with the dialogues included on our audio CD and MP3 download.

English the American Way is an excellent resource for ESL students and teachers, English language learners, and professionals of all ages and all nationalities.

If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to improve your English language skills, this is the book for you.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » English the American Way 美语学习指南 含音频