DK 2020新书 塔罗牌与自身关系 Tarot Connect With Yourself, Develop Your Intuition, Live Mindfully

了解如何自定义,解释和运用塔罗牌的智慧来改善生活的每个方面-您的职业,财务,人际关系等。 详细了解每张卡片-与魔术师会面,魔术师鼓励您信任自己的能力; 与女皇的养育本能联系在一起; 感受战车的信心-并为您探索每张卡的含义。 发现塔罗牌读数如何照亮您的独特道路,并导致您可以每天采取切实,积极的行动。 让塔罗牌引导您进行自我知识和自我实现的旅程。

Find out how to customize, interpret, and apply the wisdom of tarot to enhance every area of your life – your career, finances, relationships, and more. Get to know each card in detail – meet The Magician, who encourages you to trust in your abilities; connect with the nurturing instincts of The Empress; feel the confidence of The Chariot – and explore the meanings of each card for you. Discover how tarot readings can illuminate your unique path and lead to tangible, positive actions that you can apply day to day. Let Tarot guide you on a journey of self-knowledge and self-fulfillment.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 塔罗牌与自身关系 Tarot Connect With Yourself, Develop Your Intuition, Live Mindfully