DK 2020新书 漫威最伟大的漫画:造出宇宙的100部漫画 Marvel Greatest Comics

建造了宇宙的100部漫威漫画。 哪些漫画帮助定义了漫威漫画并使它们成为当今的流行文化现象? 在《惊奇最伟大的漫画》中查找,这是有史以来创作的一些最具开创性和启发性的漫画书的引人注目的展示。 从开创性的原始《人类火炬》及其水上对手Namor,1939年的Sub-Mariner到1960年代改变游戏规则的超级英雄偶像,例如《蜘蛛侠》,《复仇者联盟》和《神奇四侠》,再到21世纪的现代时尚改造,例如 《银河护卫队》和《松鼠女郎》,《 Marvel》已经设定了节奏。 本书经过精心策划和专业评估,精选出令人惊叹的插图和深刻见解的Marvel Comics及其通过漫画使公司发展壮大的遗产。 这些是改变行业面貌的漫画。 这些是漫威最伟大的漫画。 ©2020 MARVEL

100 Marvel comics that built a universe. Which comic books have helped define Marvel Comics and make them the pop-culture phenomenon they are today? Find out in Marvel Greatest Comics, a compelling showcase of some of the most trailblazing and inspiring comic books ever created. From the groundbreaking original Human Torch and his aquatic adversary Namor, the Sub-Mariner in 1939 to the game-changing 1960s Super Hero icons such as Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four, to smart modern makeovers in the 21st century like Guardians of the Galaxy and Squirrel Girl, Marvel have set the pace. This book’s specially curated and expertly appraised selection is a stunningly illustrated and insightful assessment of Marvel Comics and its legacy through the comics that made the company great. These are the comics that changed the face of an industry. These are Marvel’s greatest comics. © 2020 MARVEL

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 漫威最伟大的漫画:造出宇宙的100部漫画 Marvel Greatest Comics