My First Britannica 13册 13合1本 PDF下载

My First Britannica (13 vol.) 

Volume 1: The Earth and Earth Sciences

Volume 2: Physical Sciences and Technology

Volume 3: The Arts

Volume 4: People in History

Volume 5: Folklore and Religions

Volume 6: Europe

Volume 7: Asia, Australia, and New Zealand

Volume 8: Africa

Volume 9: The Americas

Volume 10: Plants

Volume 11: Birds, Insects, Reptiles, and Aquatic Life

Volume 12: Mammals

Volume 13: Reference Guide and Index


My First Britannica是为全球儿童创作的,具有广泛的视野,并提供了真正的跨文化视野。这套激动人心的丛书将年轻读者领略太阳系最远的地方,地球的每个角落,古老的希腊神话和罗马神话。适合7-11岁年龄段,以空间和动物等为主题,并配有彩色照片和特别制作的插图,其文章类型从诗歌到传记,并以适合儿童的水平撰写。

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