DK 2020新书 艺术家和插图画家的水彩技巧 Watercolour Techniques for Artists and Illustrators

专业画家展示了其工艺的各个方面,因此您可以掌握所有水彩技法,并从主题和风格上获得灵感和灵感。 从最基本的基础开始,例如选择正确的画笔和练习颜色混合,这本书着手解决从平洗到尝试纹理的所有可能的水彩技术。 然后将技术和灵感结合到一个主题广泛的部分中-从风景到植物插图,城市场景,肖像画和抽象-结合每个主题的实际考虑和尝试的多种方法以及实现特定效果的教程 。 艺术家和插画家水彩技巧的特色广泛,包括在图形插图中使用水彩以及如何将其与其他绘画媒介结合,将帮助您挑战自我,尝试新事物并成长为艺术家。

Professional artists demonstrate every aspect of their craft so that you can master all the techniques of watercolor and gain ideas and inspiration for subject matter and stylistic approaches. Starting from the very basics, such as choosing the right brushes and practicing color mixes, the book proceeds to tackle every conceivable watercolor technique, from applying a flat wash to experimenting with texture. Techniques and inspiration are then combined in a wide-ranging section on subject matter–from landscapes to botanical illustrations, urban scenes, portraiture, and abstraction–with practical considerations of each topic and numerous approaches to try, plus tutorials on achieving particular effects. Featuring extensive content dedicated to the use of watercolor in graphic illustration, as well as how to combine it with other painting and drawing media, Watercolor Techniques for Artists and Illustrators will help you challenge yourself, try new things, and grow as an artist.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 艺术家和插图画家的水彩技巧 Watercolour Techniques for Artists and Illustrators