Easy Algebra Step-by-Step 3rd Edition 2023

You’ll learn essential concepts first, allowing you to grasp the subject almost immediately. You’ll then gradually progress to more challenging skills, learning how to solve practical problems more easily with the help of clear, step-by-step instructions. Learning the key concepts in order (e.g., learning rational/irrational numbers before roots and radicals, exponents, and so on) ensures that you’ll get a solid foundation before moving on. Exercises for each section, complete with detailed, worked-out solutions, further helps you acquire the knowledge and skills you need to solve algebraic problems with confidence.

• Clear explanations break down concepts into easy-to-understand steps
• Stay-in-step “pop-ups” offer helpful advice and cautions against common errors
• Step-it-up skill-building exercises link practice to the core steps already presented
• Clear and concise explanations to the problems throughout
• Fully updated to include current references

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我的小孩的成长分享 » Easy Algebra Step-by-Step 3rd Edition 2023