The World Language Teacher’s Guide to Active Learning: Strategies and Activities for Increasing Student Engagement

The World Language Teacher’s Guide to Active Learning: Strategies and Activities for Increasing Student Engagement, Third Edition (2023)

Enhance your students’ success and improve the likelihood of retention with the easy-to-implement activities and strategies in this book! Bestselling author Deborah Blaz shows how to create a classroom in which students can actively experience and explore a world language. The new edition features updates in every chapter and incorporates the latest ACTFL standards, more information on teaching with authentic resources, a new chapter on teaching with technology, and additional resources for personalized learning. It is organized to allow you to easily find and pull activities you want to use in your classroom the very next day. You’ll learn how to…

mix up your repertoire of activities, games, and exercises to keep students engaged;
introduce students to the culture of the language you teach by hosting parties and celebrations;
overcome some of the biggest obstacles in the path to fluency, including verb conjugation, using object pronouns, and the subjunctive mood;
customize your teaching strategies to accommodate a broader range of talents, skills, and intelligences;
implement new assessment strategies to improve verbal skills and reading comprehension;
and more!


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