Timelines of Everyone DK 2020

More than 150 visual timelines take you on unforgettable journeys through the lives of the great, the terrible, and the overlooked people of world history.

Following on from the smash hit Timelines of Everything, this fascinating new children’s book focuses squarely on the biographies of a myriad of movers and shakers across millennia. It covers a diverse array of kings and queens, humanitarians, scientists, inventors, explorers, activists, writers, artists, and more, from across the globe.

Timelines of Everyone reveals not just the incredible achievements, contributions, and adventures of historical figures, but the lesser-known events that shaped them too, from childhood into old age. Did you know that West African ruler Mansa Musa was the richest person ever to have lived? Or that Hollywood screen legend Hedy Lamarr invented technology that would one day develop into WiFi? Or how about the fact that Einstein’s last words were lost because his nurse didn’t speak German?

Filled with easy-to-understand timelines, vibrant illustrations, and a diverse range of influential people, Timelines of Everyone is the must-have guide to the world’s must-know names.

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