DK 2020新书 免费种植食物 Grow Food for Free

休·理查兹(Hew Richards)向自己提出了挑战-通过免费种植自己的水果和蔬菜一年来实现自给自足。 他成功了,现在想帮助您做同样的事情。

买不起高架床吗? 尝试重新使用旧的木制托盘。
不想花钱购买植物吗? 在冰箱和厨房橱柜中寻找可以种植的食物。
需要特定工具吗? 以物易物或向邻居借钱。
没有花园吗? 看看您所在地区的某人是否有不经意的补丁,您可以将其变成备受欢迎的蔬菜地块。

Huw的“免费种植食物”为您提供以零成本有机地开始,成长,热爱,传播和收获自己的水果和蔬菜所需的灵感和实用建议。 这是真正的可持续性!

Huw Richards set himself a challenge – to be self-sufficient by growing his own fruit and veg for free for a year. He succeeded, and now wants to help you do the same.

Can’t afford a raised bed? Try repurposing an old wooden pallet.
Don’t want to spend money on buying plants? Look in the fridge and your kitchen cupboards for food that you can plant.
Need a particular tool? Barter or borrow from a neighbour.
Don’t have a garden? See if someone in your area has an untended patch you can turn into a well-loved veg plot.

Huw’s Grow Food for Free has the inspiration and practical advice you need to start, grow, love, propagate and harvest your own fruit and veg organically and at zero-cost. This is real sustainability!

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 免费种植食物 Grow Food for Free