DK 2020新书 Through the Night Sky 穿越夜空


与一本侧重于令人震惊的宇宙事实和人物的天文学书籍不同,《穿越夜空》讲述了一系列在夜晚的天空中发生的令人难以置信的故事。 追踪蝙蝠在暮光中飞翔,为神秘的猴面包树花授粉,跟随家人走进旷野凝视星座,观看鲸鱼在北极光的柔和照耀下在寒冷的北极水域中游泳,然后 绘制星空航行的船的旅程。

《夜空》是一本精美的书,涵盖了广泛的主题,包括从夜间活动的动物或狂欢者观看烟花照亮夜晚,到月亮,行星,恒星和流星雨等天体-一切都在广阔的夜晚下完成 天空。

Beginning with a sunset and ending at dawn, Through the Night Sky shines a light on the magical events taking place in the darkness above.

Unlike an astronomy book that focuses on eye-popping facts and figures about the Universe, Through the Night Sky features a series of incredible stories that take place in the sky at night. Track a colony of bats as they fly through the twilight to pollinate the flowers of the mysterious baobab tree, follow a family into the wilderness to gaze at the constellations, watch whales swimming through chilly Arctic waters under the gentle glow of the Northern Lights, then chart the journey of a ship navigating by the stars.

Through the Night Sky is a beautiful book that spans a wide range of subjects, including everything from nocturnal animals or revellers watching fireworks illuminate the night, to celestial objects such as the moon, planets, stars, and meteor showers – all under the vast night sky.

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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 Through the Night Sky 穿越夜空