DK 2020新书 Let’s Get Gardening 让我们来种花草(园艺)

About Let’s Get Gardening
Learn to grow your own vegetables and herbs, attract awesome wildlife such as butterflies and bees, and be a green gardener with lots of recycling tips. Whether you’ve got a big vegetable patch or just a windowsill, you can grow all sorts of plants with this colorful book.

Packed full of easy-to-follow step-by-step activities, this book helps children learn about conservation, recycling, and sustainability in simple, practical, and hands-on ways. They will build a mini nature reserve, turn old rubber boots into plant pots, grow fruit and vegetables that they can really eat, plant a bee-friendly space, create a ladybird sanctuary, and much more. Help nature with every activity and discover the joys of growing plants from seeds.

So grab your potting soil and let’s get gardening!




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我的小孩的成长分享 » DK 2020新书 Let’s Get Gardening 让我们来种花草(园艺)